Senior pictures

Senior Pictures Amherst, Hollis, Merrimack, Bedford and Southern New Hampshire

Sophisticated and beautiful:
Our style empowers the students and brings out their personality in a fun and edgy way. Going beyond the approach of having ones picture taken, we make you part of the creative process. Working with you, as a team, we showcase your personality in an exciting and invigorating way. This kind of teamwork creates an atmosphere of trust and fun that yields the most stunning images and breathtaking photographs.

High Fashion Seniors

Senior pictures photo

Have a hoot of a shoot:

We go through great lengths to make your photo shoot an experience you will treasure forever. Starting with our cutting edge studio environement, you will have access to our full hair and makeup facilities, just to make sure you look the way you want. A hair and makeup specialist is available on request.

High Fashion Senior Pictures

Come check us out:
Utilizing the latest in digital lighting and studio technology, C1M Photography in Milford, NH may very well be the most advanced and cutting edge photo studio in New Hampshire. But, don't take our word for it. Come on by for a FREE studio tour and see for yourself. Parents are welcome too.

Senior Pictures Photo

Get Your Shoot On!

Senior Pictures Photo

Everybody deserves photos of themselves that they love!

Senior Pictures Photo

Let us show you off!

Senior Pictures Photo

Everyone deserves to be seen in their best light!

Senior Pictures Photo

You're gonna love your photos!

Senior Pictures Photo

We have free gummy worms!

Senior Pictures Photo

In here everyone looks amazing.

Senior Pictures Photo

We love to play with light.

Senior Pictures Photo

Throw it down girl!

Senior Pictures Photo

We only use the good colors!

Senior Pictures Photo

We like Dwight Schrute!

Please call us at 603.673.8200 to set up a time to come by.


Thank you for scrolling down all this way. Mention the word Light and we'll give you a free lollipop.

High fashion senior pictures in Amherst, Hollis, Merrimack, Bedford, Milford, Nashua, Manchester and southern New Hampshire